Mar 27, 2020 | Business, Innovation and IT, Management
IT leadership is one of the most important factors for the success of a company, as it is precisely the Chief Information Officer (CIO) responsible for the interaction between managers and the team of employees in the Information Technology sector. To fulfill this role, it is necessary that the professional is trained and has experience both in the management and execution of the tasks performed by the team.
Feb 7, 2020 | Business, Digital Transformation, Innovation and IT, Management, Software Development, Web Application
In an increasingly disputed market, where high competition leads companies to invest constantly in technologies, tools aligned with the reality of the business tend to be very useful. In this context, custom-made software development emerges as an innovative response.
Nov 29, 2019 | Innovation and IT, Management
With digital transformation, the IT industry has gained a new role within companies, much more strategic and aligned to core business. With this growth, infrastructure has increased, and so have costs, in this case, IT costs. With this being said, the great challenge...
Oct 31, 2019 | Digital Transformation, Innovation and IT, Management
Disruptive innovation happens when a product or service creates a new market and destabilizes competition to the point of taking its place as top of mind. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, just find a simpler or cheaper way to offer a product or service, or reach an audience that did not have access to an area that was restricted.