The Clean Code, can be freely defined as, a code development method created to simplify both its elaboration and interpretation by the developer.

Through this methodology, all software development or an application tends to become simpler and more intuitive, less error-prone. Features that make its use highly recommended.

Taking these facts into consideration, we chose to develop this content on the Clean Code. Continue reading, find out how Clean Code works and understand its importance!

How does Clean Code work?

In a competitive environment where developers need to perform their functions in an agile manner to maintain a steady stream of deliveries to their bosses and customers, functionality often gets prioritized than the code’s efficiency. This ends up causing poorly designed projects to be done.

Thinking about the problems that this attitude can entail, Clean Code establishes a series of good practices so that, from its initial stages, the code is developed cleanly and efficiently.

What’s the importance to you?

The big question is that no matter how much an application works if your code is too complex or confusing, the task of identifying and fixing security flaws tends to become much more difficult.

Another point to consider is that over time, regardless of the programming language used, the code needs to be updated so that the application remains useful. In this case, a poorly crafted coding can take a long time for the team or even force professionals to develop another one from scratch.

How do I implement Clean Code?

Now that you know how Clean Code works and understand why it’s so important, discover some of the fundamental practices for implementing this methodology!

Scout rule

Boy Scout groups, very common in countries like the United States, follow a rule that says that whenever they leave a region, it should be even cleaner than by the time they arrived.

If we translate this standard into Clean Code, we can say that when a developer accesses code, regardless of the reason, they must make adjustments to make the encoding in question cleaner than they found it.

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

Don’t Repeat Yourself is a Code Clean principle that claims that encoding cannot have more than one application performing a particular function. The purpose of DRY is to make code cleaner and smarter by eliminating ambiguities.

Error handling

As well as code it is possible that some error occurs while running the software. In this context, error handling can be described as the task of preparing the encoding so that, even in an adverse situation, it continues to work.

This concept is very much tied to a phrase by author Michael Feathers that says:

“Programmers are responsible for ensuring that even if something goes wrong, the code continues to play the role for which it was developed.”

clean code is an indispensable tool for the code of the software to be efficient. Thanks to its characteristics, this methodology makes room for applications to operate more safely and be updated more quickly. Taking these facts into account, it is easy to conclude that it should be implemented!

Do you intend to adopt Clean Code in your development projects? Already making use of a similar methodology? Leave a comment and share with us how you see this theme!