In a pandemic scenario, where human lives and the global economy are at risk, technology tends to come up with intelligent solutions. With this, it is easy to understand the relationship between coronavirus and Big Data. After all, through technology, the virus in question can be fought more efficiently.
This is because thanks to the standards and indicators pointed out by Big Data, governments and experts are able to identify critical factors to stop the transmission of the disease and even find its cure.
Read this article to understand how intelligent data verification and analysis has helped combat Covid-19!
Big Data in the fight against coronavirus
In a simple and summarized way, we can say that Big Data is a technology that aims to gather and analyze a lot of information. This is in order to identify useful patterns in the elaboration of strategies and in processes for decision making.
Taking these characteristics into consideration, it is easy to see how technology has contributed in the fight against Covid-19, because through it, a number of sensitive points can be visualized. Among them, we can mention the following.
Risk zones and spread of the disease
While there is no treatment or vaccine against the virus, it is a consensus among health experts that social isolation is the most effective solution. The big issue here is trying to maintain this isolation and identify the areas in which it is most necessary, which is not a simple task.
By making use of information sources, such as images from public security cameras or smartphone geolocation, Big Data is able to identify points and times when agglomerations occur most frequently, which makes room for surveillance agents to become more effective.
In addition to this, the technology can find patterns that indicate areas of greater dissemination of Covid-19 and, based on the crossing of data, identify potentially contaminated people.
People more prone to coronavirus
Another benefit of Big Data is that through data analysis, physicians and health authorities can accurately visualize the profile of people most infected by coronavirus. Since different countries may present different scenarios, this characteristic is useful so that measures to combat the disease are aligned with the reality of the place where they should be applied.
Additionally, the recorded data is useful for experts to ascertain the factors that change the spread of the disease in different regions.
Taking into account the large amount of information that should be analyzed, it is important to emphasize that artificial intelligence solutions tend to make this task very agile and accurate.
Examples of countries that use Big Data efficiently
When we think of the relationship between coronavirus and Big Data and in countries that have made intelligent use of technology, Taiwan stands out. This is due to the rapid implementation of a series of strategies all based on an analysis and cross-reference of data that the country was able to prevent an outbreak of Covid-19.
First, the country adopted a monitoring system right at the entrance of individuals from Wuhan, in order to identify people with symptoms such as a fever. Soon this monitoring extended to all those who have been in risk areas in the last 14 days.
In order to make the fight against the disease even more efficient, the country’s authorities have cross-referenced important data sources, such as the National Health Insurance Bank with the information recorded in the country’s immigration systems.
Through this data crossing, the authorities were able to identify, both by the symptoms of each patient and by their travel history, who should be treated more urgently.
It is also worth mentioning that the country used the indicators, generated by Big Data, to make investments in the acquisition of protective masks and in the purchase of more specific health equipment.
Thanks to this high level of care, and the clever use of the technology, Taiwan was able to prevent the coronavirus outbreak, thus becoming one of the countries least affected by the disease.
The importance of quality data calculation
Although Taiwan’s performance was successful, these results were only possible because the country has secure and complete sources of information, which can be used in public policy planning and prevention in situations such as the pandemic of the new coronavirus.
These facts demonstrate that, in the process of developing strategies, Big Data is related to public policies or intelligent business practices. It is necessary that quality data be properly accurate and recorded.
Now that you understand the relationship between coronavirus and Big Data and know-how technology can benefit the fight against Covid-19, how about spreading that knowledge? Share the article on your social networks so your friends have access to this information!