Developing the best website and application solutions requires a real dive into the user’s world. To understand the emotional and behavioral factors involved in the interface usage experience, developers turn to interaction design.

Want to understand what interaction design is and how it can collaborate with your results? Keep reading! 

What is interaction design?

It is a discipline focused on the interaction between a system and the user through interfaces. It seeks to understand how the information should be presented to allow the user to understand it clearly and objectively.

For this, there is a strategic study of the dialogue between people and the products and services they consume. Taking into account physical and emotional factors, developers orchestrate form, function, and technology to deliver a good experience. Therefore, many people consider interaction design as “information design”.

What is the difference between interaction design and UX design?

The design takes care of the arrangement of the information in the interface so that the user finds it and understands it in the best possible way. The user experience design, or UX design, investigates how and if people will use the product. That is, it is responsible for the motivational factors and behavioral sciences that cross the use of the projected platform.

Any interaction design process needs to go through a UX search. Based on the behavior data and the user’s wishes, the designer “choreographs” the interaction, providing a simple experience that delights those who use the platform.

How to create actions that focus on interaction design?

Understand the five dimensions of interaction design

The interaction design involves five dimensions that must be considered in the elaboration of the tests of readability, usability, in the elaboration of wireframes and prototypes. They are:

  • words: they should be simple to understand and communicate the necessary information to the user objectively;
  • visual representations: graphic elements such as typography, icons, and images. They can complement or even replace words;
  • physical objects or space: here, the responsible designer will study which devices the user uses to interact with the product;
  • time: in addition to evaluating the time the user spends interacting with the product, the designer also needs to understand what the media will be used (video, sound or animation);
  • behaviors: it is worth studying how users use the product or service.

Understand the four approaches to interaction design

Although interaction design is primarily interested in the user, it has 4 different approaches. They are:

  • user-centric: this approach is entirely focused on the needs and objectives of the user;
  • focused on activities: the project is guided by the activities to be completed on the platform;
  • systems: In this approach, the user determines what the system should do and the designer seeks ways to meet these requirements;
  • geniuses: the designer turns to the user to validate a solution developed by him.

Count on a skilled team

As you can see, a project guided by the principles of interaction design requires a lot of research and professionals who know how to put themselves in the user’s shoes. Therefore, it is essential that your company has a team capable of performing these jobs.

What are the advantages of encouraging interaction design?

The advantages of interaction design for your company’s products and services are diverse. Here are some of them:

  • increase the added value of products through innovative solutions that deliver good experiences;
  • effective prototyping;
  • high degree of readability and usability, characteristics that increase the user’s potential for attack;
  • user satisfaction, who has their needs and desires met;
  • greater integration of teams, which need to deepen, together, in research on users;
  • strengthening the brand through experiences that delight the user.

Considering the best ways to present information, interaction design deeply studies user behavior to deliver a satisfying experience. However, for the product or service to gain greater support and strengthen the brand, it is essential to have a specialized consultancy in this type of tool.

Now that you know what interaction design is, share this article on your social networks so that others know this concept!