In a market where the intelligent use of technology increasingly impacts a company’s results, it is critical that the management team understands the software development process.

This is because by making use of a system designed to align with your company’s demands, you can simplify process execution, making them safer and more efficient. The point is that development needs to follow certain steps so that the solution is indeed useful to the company’s purposes.

With this in mind, we prepared this content with information about the development of software. Read the article and discover the processes needed for the project to succeed!

Requirements calculation

First, the development team needs to understand the purpose of the software in question and how it will be used by the end consumer. For this reason, the project manager must meet with the customer and verify all the requirements that the system must meet. In addition, factors such as functionality, usability, and compatibility with other products, such as cloud computing, need to be taken into account.

Once the person responsible confirms the demands of the project, he needs to contact the development team and pass on all the information to her. It is important that communication is as clear as possible, which may require more active customer participation to ensure that your goals are properly explained to developers.

In addition, it is worth noting that, depending on the requirements, the preparation of the project may be unfeasible. If this occurs, the customer must be properly informed in order for the details to be adjusted.

Project development

Once the requirements are established and approved, it is up to the development team to take charge of the task of preparing the project. At this stage, professionals need to define factors such as software functionalities, as well as create its design and interface.

Obviously, the functionalities must be developed according to the customer’s demands to enable the execution of their activities. In this context, it is important that the interface is simple and intuitive. These features are necessary to ensure that users will be able to easily use the software in the day-to-day of the company.

Project implementation

Following the software development process in companies,  the team must create the functionalities and interface, designed in the previous step, in a programming language.

Given the complexity of this activity, coding must be done by experienced developers, fully skilled in the programming language chosen for the project.

Running tests

As skilled and experienced as they are professionals responsible for the project, it is natural that it presents failures and errors. For this reason, once encoded, the system needs to go through a series of tests.

At this time, it is essential that end-users of the software participate. As they will make use of the solution daily, feedback from points such as functionality and usability is very important.

Software finalization

Finally, when the tests are properly performed, the software in question can be released to the client. Often, however, the project is too large, which leads to the need to release it in modules.

It is worth mentioning that good practices, aligned with agile methodologies, recommend that even smaller projects be made available in this way. This is because, by having access to the module, the customer is able to verify its efficiency in the operation of the company.

This experience makes room for it to ask for corrections if they are needed, and identify points that can be improved in the next modules before they are even made available.

It is not a novelty that technological tools are fundamental for the operation of companies, regardless of their size or area of operation. In addition, this factor tends to become increasingly relevant, so companies that don’t invest properly in the IT industry will fall behind. In this context, optimizing software development should be seen as one of the most strategic points by the management team.

Taking these facts into consideration, it is important to look for a company specializing in artificial intelligence applications to implement the best practices of the software development process. This care is indispensable to ensure that your company remains competitive over time.

How about having the support of highly experienced and qualified professionals to accomplish this task for your company? Contact us and discover Kazap solutions!