While each company is unique and has specific needs, there are common steps that are involved in developing a good plan to achieve significant technological change.

Thinking and working with strategy can reduce costs and ensure compatibility with existing technology, addressing the situation and the specific needs of your organization.

See in 5 easy to follow steps how to identify your technology needs and start changing the reality of your company today:

1 – Define the technological need(s)

In this first and very important step, it is necessary to define which sector (or areas) your company urgently needs a technology upgrade in. Is it in the service? In the management of documents? HR? Or maybe even financial? Also consider what areas need to change the most as well as have a significant impact from the creation of solutions in systems or applications.

2 – Identify scopes

Once the areas that need development are identified, it is necessary to describe even superficially at the beginning, the scope of each of them. Think about what would make your daily routine easier with each new feature.

But what would be a SCOPE?

One scope is nothing more than a set of functionality that you need to have on a system or in an application to meet your daily needs or expectations.

An IT company can also help you in this step if you need it.

3 – The selection and hiring of the IT company

With the previous scope defined in step 2, it is time to select and hire a company specialized in the subject. It will help you close the final scope in more detail and develop the projects.

This step is extremely important, it’s like hiring that “excellent employee”, so if you make a mistake in choosing or hire an inexperienced company, you will lose money and time, and your problem will still exist, there will be no changes or improvements and the result = frustration!

4 – Development

Once you’ve hired a specialized company, which works with agile methodologies and leaves the client involved at each stage of the project, the development will happen gradually, correctly and without stress.

At this stage, the involvement of employees in each sector is crucial for the success of the project, because it is in daily experience and in the aligned scope that the result will be a success.

It is necessary to have patience, discipline and be open to adaptations and changes that aim to improve the way of communication and interaction between resources and your team.

5 – Support and continuity…

Implemented into your project, be it a system, application or both, in this 5th step you already have a better awareness of the technological vision of your organization. Your employees are already trained and have used all the features of these new tools, so you can start evaluating success and improvement early on.

It is necessary to keep in mind that your organization should have support for any adjustments, evolutions, and even doubts.

The market never stops, increasingly new models and updates of tools, software, smartphones, tablets come out on the market, and it is counting on these developments and supports that your organization will not be outdated in relation to the competition.
